

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Feb 2023

Todd Field
Cate Blanchett, Noémie Merlant, Nina Hoss
158 mins, 2022, US
Primary language

Set in the international world of classical music, Todd Field's latest film centres on Lydia Tár, widely considered one of the greatest living composer/conductors and first-ever female chief conductor of a major German orchestra.

Played by the inimitable Cate Blanchett, Tár is a highly ambitious and strong-willed character who commands whatever room she enters - being referred to as 'Maestro' by her colleagues. She is approaching her latest challenge to date - namely a live recording of a piece by composer Gustav Mahler for the classical music label Deutsche Grammophon. But as she attempts to reach for the highest heights in her career, Tár gets the sense that something's not quite right. Is there someone out there following her every move?

After originally premiering at the Venice Film Festival 2022, Tár has caused quite a stir in the critics' circles around the world. Blending the real world with fiction, Field has concocted a mesmerising film that will keep you talking for a very long time.

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