Nil By Mouth

Nil By Mouth

classified 18

Please note: This was screened in Dec 2022

Gary Oldman
Ray Winstone, Kathy Burke, Charlie Creed-Miles
129 mins, 1997, UK
Primary language

Actor Gary Oldman revealed himself as a filmmaker of uncompromising talent with Nil by Mouth, his debut and so far only directorial feature, newly remastered for its 25th anniversary.

Set on a council estate in New Cross, South East London (the area where Oldman himself grew up), a dysfunctional family encounters domestic violence, drunkenness, drug addiction and petty crime. Featuring career-best performances from Kathy Burke (winner of Best Actress at Cannes), Ray Winstone and Charlie Creed-Miles, all superbly supported by Laila Morse and Jamie Foreman.

Nil by Mouth cut through middle class representations of British working class lives to reveal a tough, uncompromising and authentic vision which was awarded Best British Film and Best Original Screenplay at the 1998 BAFTA awards. An intensely powerful and emotional landmark of British cinema remastered in 4K for its 25th anniversary by the BFI National Archive.

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