©2021 "Intolerance" Film Partners


classified 15 S

The Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme 2023


Please note: This was screened in Feb 2023

Keisuke Yoshida
Kisetsu Fujiwara, Arata Furuta, Aoi Itô
107 mins, Subtitled, 2021, Japan
Primary language

A junior high school girl’s (Aoi Ito) accidental death sparks a flurry of activity. She had been caught shoplifting at a local supermarket by the shop manager, Naoto (Tori Matsuzaka), who then chased her down the street. After running out into the road, she gets hit by a car and dies instantaneously. Having brought up the girl alone, her father, Mitsuru (Arata Furuta), cannot accept the accident nor the fact that his daughter was stealing. While the media feeds upon the girl’s death, Mitsuru starts hunting down those to blame.

Director Keisuke Yoshida shows his masterful directorial skills and explores human behaviour and psychology in-depth in this poignant and original film which reflects on contemporary sin, deception and forgiveness.

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