© 2022 “Wandering“ Film Partners


classified 15 S

The Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme 2023


Please note: This was screened in Feb 2023

Sang-Il Lee
Suzu Hirose, Tôri Matsuzaka, Ryûsei Yokohama
150 mins, Subtitled, 2022, Japan
Primary language

A ten-year-old girl, Sarasa (Suzu Hirose), spends her time alone in a rainy park. One day, Fumi (Tori Matsuzaka), a nineteen-year-old university student, comes along and invites her to his apartment. Fumi discovers that Sarasa is separated from her parents and is living with her aunt, and realises that the girl is unwilling to go back home. He decides to let Sarasa stay at his place. The two lonely souls seem to have finally found a place in the world together, until Fumi is arrested for kidnapping.

Fifteen years later, the two meet again. However, they two have shouldered too much pain and suffering from being labelled as a ‘victim’ and a ‘dangerous paedophile’ respectively. What is the truth of these two people?

Sang-il Lee is a Japanese-Korean director known for portraying human existence under extreme conditions. The depiction of the protagonists’ emotional plight and the superb cinematography by Hong Kyung-pyo (Parasite) unceasingly pull in the viewer. Wandering is based on the best-selling novel of the same name by Yu Nagira, which won a prestigious award in 2020.

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