Whistle Down the Wind
Image Courtesy of Park Circus/ITV Studios

Whistle Down the Wind

classified U

A stranger calls...


Please note: This was screened in March 2023

Bryan Forbes
Alan Bates, Bernard Lee, Hayley Mills
99 mins, 1961, UK
Primary language

Set in Lancashire, Whistle Down the Wind was part of that new wave in British cinema which put the North of England on screen and launched the screen career of Alan Bates.

When an injured criminal (Alan Bates) takes refuge in the barn of a remote Lancashire farm, the owner’s three children mistakenly believe him to be the Second Coming of Christ. Adult scepticism abounds until their father (Bernard Lee) catches wind of the tale and begins to investigate.

Treading a fine line between heart-tugging sentimentality and comedy, this film daringly brings humour into the most emotionally charged moments, while deftly touching on themes of theology and spirituality.

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