

classified 15 S

Please note: This was screened in April 2023

Albert Serra
Benoît Magimel, Pahoa Mahagafanau, Marc Susini
165 mins, Subtitled, 2022, France
Primary language

Pacifiction is a mystery thriller from Albert Serra that follows a French government official trying to get to the bottom of a rumour of nearby nuclear testing.

On the French Polynesian island of Tahiti, the High Commissioner of the Republic and French government official De Roller is a calculating man with flawless manners.

His somewhat broad perception of his role brings him to navigate the high end ’establishment’ as well as shady venues where he mingles with the locals. But there's been a persistent rumour going around: a sighting of a submarine off the island suggests the return of French nuclear testing. Will our anti-hero uncover the trouble in paradise?

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