Gregory's Girl

classified 12A

Please note: This was screened in Aug 2023

Bill Forsyth
Gordon John Sinclair, Dee Hepburn, Jake D'Arcy, Claire Grogan
91 mins, 1980, UK
Primary language

Gregory (John Gordon Sinclair) and his friends at school are starting to notice girls–particularly Dorothy (Dee Hepburn), not least because she’s on the football team and is a better player than all the boys.

With counselling from his younger sister, Gregory finally asks Dorothy out, but turns up to the date only to discover that the girls at school have other plans for him.

Director Bill Forsyth’s classic comedy remains, to this day, the ultimate depiction of coming-of-age awkwardness and an enduring favourite of Scottish cinema, which is screening in our cinemas in a 4K restoration.

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