A Year in a Field
Photo credit: Christopher Morris

A Year in a Field

classified 12A PS

Please note: This was screened in Oct 2023

Christopher Morris
86 mins, Partially Subtitled, 2023, UK
Primary language
English, Cornish

BAFTA-winning documentarian Christopher Morris invites us to slow down, as he films an ancient stone monolith for a year in a West Cornwall field.

Morris's film immerses us in this quiet, direct-action of stillness, allowing us to take a breath and reflect on the planetary impacts of our brief human existence.

Filmed from Winter Solstice 2020 to Winter Solstice 2021, in which a string of unprecedented worldwide climate disasters occurred, (and were met by weak global political resolve), are simply revealed as just fleeting moments, under the ever-present unflinching granite gaze of the Longstone.

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