Afrika Eye: Sira
Still from Sira

Afrika Eye: Sira

classified 18 (CTBA) S

part of Afrika Eye 2023


Please note: This was screened in Nov 2023

Apolline Traoré
Nafisatou Cisse, Mike Danon, Lazare Minoungou
122 mins, Subtitled, 2023, Senegal
Primary language

Bride-to-be Sira crosses the vast and uninhabited desert with friends and family on the way to be with her lover.

But the word is out that she intends to marry someone outside of the Muslim faith, drawing the attention of armed extremists who attack the group and leave Sira to die. But she doesn't give up hope and is to determined to prove that there is more courage in wisdom and less in brutality and violence.

Director Apolline Traoré draws upon stories of real women in the Sahel region of Northern Africa where such terrorism attacks take place routinely. This remarkable film focuses on the strength and well-being of the region's women and girls, offering a feminist counterpoint to current reporting.

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