Found in: Slapstick 2024
Live From New York: A Comedy Horror special
Still from Local Showers

Live From New York: A Comedy Horror special

Slapstick Festival 2024


Please note: This event took place in Feb 2024

Halloween is past, but Ben Model and Steve Massa bring it back with a live performance of three surreal and scary shorts.

First on the bill is A Fraternity Mixup where Alice Ardell and Gale Henry spend the night in a spooky girl’s school where they are visited by an escaped gorilla.

In Local Showers, poor Musty Suffer has a toothache and gets an appointment with the dentist from hell (saying “dentist” is scary enough for most people).

Finally, The Haunted House sees Buster Keaton investigating the strange going-ons in the titular abode.

This creepy trio is curated and hosted by Ben Model, accompanying live on piano, and Steve Massa.

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