Mondays: See You ‘This’ Week!

Mondays: See You ‘This’ Week!

classified PG S

The Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme 2024


Please note: This was screened in Feb 2024

Ryo Takebayashi
Ryô Ikeda, Wan Marui, Yûgo Mikawa
82 mins, Subtitled, 2022, Japan
Primary language

This zany office comedy about a group of co-workers caught in a time loop is packed with knowing winks and references to Japanese work culture.

Akemi works at a small advertising agency and dreams of joining a more prestigious one, even though her demanding job leaves no time for her personal life.

One Monday morning, her two junior colleagues reveal a bizarre truth: they are all trapped in a time loop of the same week. As more employees in the company discover the time loop, they realise that their oblivious department head holds the key to breaking free: can they all work together to break the cycle?

The UK’s largest festival of Japanese cinema, the Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme, returns to Watershed with its biggest showcase ever, another exciting lineup showcasing the versatility and uniqueness of Japanese cinema. This year's theme is Unforgettable: Memories, Times and Reflections in Japanese Cinema.

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