Found in: Oscars® 2024

Killers of the Flower Moon

classified 15

Oscars® 2024


Please note: This was screened in March 2024

Martin Scorsese
Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Lily Gladstone
206 mins, 2023, USA
Primary language

Director Martin Scorsese returns with the Oscar®-nominated tale from American history about the horrific murdering of members of the Osage tribe.

Based on the best-selling book of the same name by David Grann, the film depicts the true story of the Osage Native American nation who became incredibly wealthy in the 1920s thanks to their reservation sitting on land rich with oil. This attracts the attention of the white population, who will stop at nothing - including murder - to get what they think is their 'fair share'.

Scorsese tells this horrifying development through the eyes of the improbable romance between Osage Mollie Kyle (Lily Gladstone) and white Ernest Burkhart (Leonardo DiCaprio), where their love for each other leads them down a path of unspeakable betrayal...

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