
classified 15 S

Please note: This was screened in May 2024

Milena Aboyan
Bayan Layla, Hadnet Tesfai, Derya Durmaz
110 mins, Subtitled, 2023, Germany
Primary language
"The history of women’s sexuality is a history of male narratives about female bodies..." Milena Aboyan

Breathtaking drama from Milena Aboyan follows a young Kurdish-German woman torn between her love for her family and her personal aspirations.

Elaha (Bayan Layla) investigates the possibility of hymen reconstruction to cover up the fact that she is no longer a virgin - a state of 'honour' considered essential by her German-Kurdish community and, more specifically, by her strict mother.

Aboyan’s feature debut is a compelling character portrait and feminist journey of identity and self-discovery, powered by Layla’s astonishing performance with exuberance and empathy.

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