Can We Measure Presence?
Photo credit: Harry Willmott

Can We Measure Presence?

Lunchtime Talks


Fri 26 July 13:00-14:00 BSL

In venue: Pervasive Media Studio, Watershed
And online: Live stream on

This is a free event. Tune in wherever you are, online. If you want to take part in venue you need to book in advance.

Additional booking info below

Harry Willmott is an interdisciplinary Immersive Maker who was one of Watershed Fellows in Residence as part of the MyWorld Ideas programme in 2023.

He spent six months in residency with Zero Point Motion focusing on designing and conducting play-tests using VR enriched with finger tracking and physiological monitoring. This was to understand how these features impact the user’s presence and immersion in the experience.

In this talk, Harry will speak about his experience and findings from his Fellowship.

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