UK Premiere: At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul

UK Premiere: At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul

classified 18 S

Restored & Rediscovered


Please note: This was screened in July 2024

José Mojica Marins
José Mojica Marins, Magda Mei, Nivaldo Lima, Valéria Vasquez, Ilídio Martins
94 mins, & Subtitled, 1964, Brazil
Primary language

Zé do Caixão is the malevolent undertaker of a small Brazilian town, plaguing its superstitious townsfolk with existentialist lectures and violent mayhem! To prove his superiority to humankind, Zé searches for the perfect woman to bear him a perfect child. Nothing and no-one will get in the way of his quest to propagate this cursed bloodline and seal Zé's only chance at immortality!

Writer, director and star José Mojica Marins made such an indelible impression in this debut as Zé do Caixão (aka Coffin Joe) that their names became synonymous, defying military dictatorship and religious censorship to be embraced as Brazil’s national Boogeyman.

Newly restored from composite materials, At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul is out of the crypt and has never looked better!

Presented by curator and writer Paul Farrell as part of Other Ways of Seeing, supported by BFI awarding funds from National Lottery.

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