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Still from Drylongso


classified 15

Fri 19 - Sun 21 July

Cauleen Smith
Toby Smith, April Barnett, Will Power
86 mins, 1998, USA
Primary language

A lost treasure of 1990s DIY filmmaking, Cauleen Smith’s Drylongso embeds an incisive look at racial injustice within a lovingly handmade buddy movie / murder mystery / romance.

Alarmed by the rate at which the young Black men around her are dying – indeed, “becoming extinct,” as she sees it – brash Oakland art student Pica (Toby Smith) attempts to preserve their existence in Polaroid snapshots, along the way forging a friendship with a woman in an abusive relationship (April Barnett), experiencing love and loss, and being drawn into the search for a serial killer who is terrorising the city.

Capturing the vibrant community spirit of Oakland in the nineties, Smith crafts both a rare cinematic celebration of Black female creativity and a moving elegy for a generation of lost African American men.

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