An Intro to Game Audio

An Intro to Game Audio

Lunchtime Talks


Fri 19 July 13:00-14:00

In venue: Pervasive Media Studio, Watershed
And online: Live stream on

This is a free event. Tune in wherever you are, online. If you want to take part in venue you need to book in advance.

Additional booking info below

In this talk, composer and sound designer Jake Gaule will give a whistle stop tour of how sounds actually get into games, giving an overview of what software is used, how sound implementation works, and the vast amount of variation that is present in the tools used.

He'll show a few real world examples of projects he's worked on, and break down some examples of implementing music, setting up a footstep playback system, generative music systems and mixing game audio.

This talk will include some technical language, but he'll demystify the process as much as possible, and no previous game audio experience will be necessary at all!

About Lunchtime Talks

Lunchtime Talks are a series of informal presentations hosted in our Pervasive Media Studio. They usually take place at 13:00 on a Friday, are free and are open to everybody.

Come along, bring a sandwich, and get to know more about the Studio community and find out about current and up-coming projects, or residents' work.

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