

classified 15 S

Will Heaven Fall Upon Us? A Béla Tarr Retrospective


Fri 9 - Sun 11 Aug

Béla Tarr
Miklós Székely B., Vali Kerekes, Gyula Pauer
120 mins, Subtitled, 1988, Hungary
Primary language

Hungarian filmmaker Béla Tarr directs this bleak, brooding meditation on inner conflict and existential angst, filmed entirely in black and white and replete with his trademark long takes and lingering camerawork.

A dour loner, Karrer (Miklos B. Szekely) attempts to steal back his estranged lover—a lounge singer in a funereal bar named Titanik—from her debt-addled husband.

Karrer lures the husband into a smuggling scheme that will force him to leave town, but these well-laid plans soon go awry…

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