The Turin Horse

The Turin Horse

classified 15 S

Will Heaven Fall Upon Us? A Béla Tarr Retrospective


Fri 16 - Sun 18 Aug

Béla Tarr, Ágnes Hranitzky
János Derzsi, Erika Bók, Mihály Kormos
155 mins, Subtitled, 2011, Hungary
Primary language

Raw, compelling and emotionally devastating, Béla Tarr's final film is a daringly original and vivid work of artistically precise filmmaking that has left audiences the world over gasping for breath.

Taking its cue from Nietzsche's famous encounter with a mistreated horse on Via Carlo Alberto, it depicts the aftermath of this seemingly innocuous but destructively profound confrontation.

Following a man and his daughter in their daily routine, a bizarre series of disturbing events slowly begin to strip life of its very essence resulting in a terrifying, all-consuming finale.

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