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Black Dog

classified 12A S

Until Thu 5 Sept

Hu Guan
Zhangke Jia, Jing Liang, Eddie Peng
110 mins, & Subtitled, 2024, China
Primary language

On the edge of the Gobi Desert in Northwest China, Lang returns to his hometown after being released from jail.

Securing work with the local dog patrol team, clearing the town of stray dogs before the 2008 Olympic Games, Lang soon strikes up an unlikely connection with a stray whippet. Facing dangers and ghosts from his own past, Lang's loneliness is eased by his new canine companionship which brings the possibility of redemption and hope, all thanks to his endearing, new four legged friend.

Winner of the Un Certain Regard Prize at The Cannes Film Festival earlier this year, this moving and humane story is a soulful, melancholy delight.

  • Screenings of Black Dog on Tue 3 Sep are part of our Cinébites deal: get 30% off any main dish in the Café & Bar with a valid cinema ticket.

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