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The Goldman Case

classified 12A S

Fri 20 - Thu 26 Sept

Cédric Kahn
Arieh Worthalter, Arthur Harari, Stéphan Guérin-Tillié
115 mins, & Subtitled, 2023, France
Primary language

A courtroom drama founded on the real trial of extraordinary activist turned criminal Pierre Goldman in 1976, which builds up to an electrifying climax in Cédric Kahn's gripping film.

The appeal hearing of Jewish far-left activist Pierre Goldman (played brilliantly by Arieh Worthalter), accused of murdering two pharmacists in a bungled robbery, gripped France for weeks. The elusive and mercurial Goldman maintained his innocence and threw his own trial into chaos (risking a death sentence), while the facts of his case became a flash point for a generation, raising questions of antisemitism and political ideology.

One of the most acclaimed films from Cannes last year, this is a riveting portrait not only of a famous case, but also of a society torn apart by patterns of racism and injustice that are still sadly witnessed today.

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