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Bristol Short Film Showcase
Still from Rapture

Bristol Short Film Showcase

classified 15

Sun 29 Sept 14:30

63 mins

This programme of new and recently made short films - all from Bristol filmmaking talent - really celebrates and shows off the vibrancy and strength of local film production.

The line-up includes Rapture, a comedy-drama about following your own path, Beltane, a cautionary stop-motion folk-horror and Distressing Images, a psychological horror starring Michael Socha (The Gallows Pole, This is England). PlusThe Babka and Boys Like You are new films from two of the city’s most prominent filmmaking talents.

  • Rapture, dir: Em Smith, 11 mins
  • Beltane, dir: Helena Haughton, 5 mins
  • Distressing Images, dir: Sam Daw, 15 mins
  • The Babka, dir: Michael Jenkins, 15 mins
  • Boys Like You, dir: Paul Holbrook, 17 mins

Image title

The filmmakers will be here to introduce and discuss their work.

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