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MASSIVE Preview: My Old Ass

classified 15

Tue 24 Sept 20:40

Megan Park
Maisy Stella, Aubrey Plaza, Percy Hynes White
88 mins, 2024, USA
Primary language

MASSIVE presents an exclusive preview of coming-of age story My Old Ass, starring Maisy Stella and Aubrey Plaza.

An 18th birthday mushroom trip brings free-spirited Elliott (Stella) face-to-face with her wisecracking 39-year-old self (Plaza). But when Elliott’s “old ass” starts handing out warnings about what her younger self should and shouldn’t do, Elliott realises she has to rethink everything about family, love and friendships over one transformative summer.

MASSIVE is the place where youth culture and cinema collide. They give young audiences the chance to see some of the most exciting films of the year before anyone else, celebrating upcoming filmmaking talent in front of and behind the camera. More details at

Followed by a pre-recorded Q&A with Maisy Stella and Aubrey Plaza.

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