Twice Colonized

classified 18 (CTBA) S

Bristol Photo Festival


Sun 20 Oct 14:00

Lin Alluna
Aleqa Hammond, Paninnguaq Heilmann,, Asta Helms
91 mins, & Subtitled, 2023, Denmark, Greenland
Primary language
Danish, Greenlandic, Inuktitut

Renowned Inuit lawyer Aaju Peter has led a lifelong fight for the rights of her people. But while launching an effort to establish an Indigenous forum at the European Union, Aaju finds herself facing a difficult, personal journey to mend her own wounds after the unexpected passing of her son.

In this powerful exploration of cultural trauma, director Lin Alluna follows Aaju Peter as she strives to reclaim her language and identity after a lifetime of whitewashing and forced assimilation.

We have chosen to screen Twice Colonized specifically in relation to Inuuteq Storch's exhibition, Porcelain Souls and Keepers of the Ocean, on view at Centrespace Gallery throughout the festival.

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