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Make Shift Meet Up August 2024

Make Shift Meet-Up September 2024

Event + Drop-in

Tue 3 Sept 17:30-20:00

Pervasive Media Studio, Watershed

This is a free event, no booking necessary.

Make Shift Meet-Ups are a space for early career creatives to come together. Meet other creatives in the city, learn from established practitioners, and think about the next steps in your creative career.

Each month we have a guest from the Pervasive Media Studio who works in the creative industries. They will be on hand to speak about their work and can give advice. Guest speakers are experts in their field.

We are hitting the ground running with our September Meet Up with a session led by the wonderful Luke Emery, a creative Producer for over 15 years and formerly Studio Producer at the Pervasive Media Studio.

Luke is a dynamic creative producer who has worked in creative tech, curation, theatre, outdoor arts, immersive experiences, advertising, artist development, television and consultancy.

He has heaps of experiences in finding new and innovative ways to carve out a career in the creative industries. He works with people to help them understand their value and build the foundations for a sustainable and fulfilling career.

During this session, Luke will talk us through the many myths of careers in the creative industries, how to tackle them and how to build ways of working that work for you.

Benefits of Make Shift

  • Find out about Watershed, the Pervasive Media Studio and what we offer to South West based creatives
  • A chilled space where you can meet and chat with other creatives
  • Talks from creative practitioners on anything from finding funds for your project to how to do your tax return


You are welcome to arrive from 17:30. The hosted element of the event will start at 17:45 and finish at 20:00. Don't worry if you can't make it for the beginning of the session or stay for the whole session.

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