Found in: LFF 2024 Calendar

Preview: Endurance

classified 15

BFI London Film Festival 2024


Mon 14 Oct 18:00

Jimmy Chin, Natalie Hewit, Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi
Mensun Bound, Nicolas Vincent, John Shears
100 mins, 2024

The directors of Free Solo and NYAD use one extraordinary expedition to explore our ongoing fascination with human endurance and physical achievement.

In 1915, the ship Endurance sank near Antarctica. Explorer Ernest Shackleton and his crew miraculously survived. In 2022, the ship was discovered, some 3000m beneath the water’s surface.

Documenting contemporary polar explorers and drawing on original expedition footage preserved and restored by the BFI National Archive, Endurance is an inspiring celebration of scientific curiosity and the indefatigable human spirit of discovery.

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