Dancing Cities

Dancing Cities

Lunchtime Talks


Fri 11 Oct 13:00-14:00

In venue: Pervasive Media Studio, Watershed
And online: Live stream on Youtube.com

This is a free event. Tune in wherever you are, online. If you want to take part in venue you need to book in advance.

Additional booking info below

In this week's Lunchtime Talk, Dr. Jess McCormack will share insights and reflections on the progress of Dancing Cities.

The project, developed in collaboration with Helen Wilson, Director of RISE Youth Dance, VR filmmaker Aayush Dudhiya and choreographer/filmmaker Sam Amos explores how creative technologies can help young residents connect, communicate through movement, and imagine new ways to engage with the city's spaces.

The young participants experimented with site-specific choreography and technology-based approaches to create films that explore a range of locations, asking how creative practices might help people envision better ways to co-exist in public areas.

About Dr. Jess McCormack

A lecturer in Theatre and Performance at the University of Bristol, Dr McCormack's research focuses on collaborative and applied performance practices, and how live, virtual, and mixed reality performance can be adapted and translated.

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