Found in: Calendar Family
Magical Adventures with Lotte Reiniger Workshop
Hansel and Gretel: Lotte Reiniger

Magical Adventures with Lotte Reiniger

This spooky season, step into the mystical world of Lotte Reiniger. We’re screening a whole host of short fairy tale films from the pioneer of animated cinema, immersing ourselves in magical tales of witches, fairies, and flying horses.

German film director Lotte Reiniger, a trailblazing forerunner in animated cinema, is known for her mesmerizing shadow puppet films. Her work has captivated audiences for generations with intricate details and timeless storytelling, often hailing from the Brothers Grimm.

As the evenings grow darker and Halloween approaches, there’s no better time to explore Reiniger's atmospheric work.

The films we will be watching are:

  • The Flying Horse
  • The Sleeping Beauty
  • Thumbelina
  • The Grasshopper and theAnt
  • Snow white and Red Rose
  • Hänsel and Gretel

Spooky dress-up encouraged!

Following the screening, why not join us for a spooktacular family workshop and create your own bewitching stories and puppets, working with a mysterious moving light.

Take 20% off the cost of your cinema tickets when you book onto the Family Workshop.

  • Take 20% off the cost of your cinema tickets when you book onto the Family Workshop.

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