The Opportunist

The Opportunist

classified 12A S

part of Slapstick Festival 2025


Please note: This was screened in Feb 2025

Mykola Shpykovskyi
Dora Feller-Spikovskaya, Dimitry Kaka, Luka Lyashenko
77 mins, Subtitled, 1929, Soviet Ukraine

A small-time black-marketeer loathe to shed his capitalist ways tries to work the chaos of the Bolshevik takeover to his advantage.

That he ends up in charge of a camel in a Red Army convoy is just one in a succession of absurdities as he’s buffeted by whoever are the currently prevailing idealogues.

Hilariously insightful about ordinary people and the politically overzealous, it was naturally banned by Soviet apparatchiks.

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