Portrait of a Young Girl from the Late Sixties in Brussels

Portrait of a Young Girl from the Late Sixties in Brussels

classified 18 (CTBA) S

part of Chantal Akerman: Adventures in Perception


Tue 18 March 18:00

Chantal Akerman
Circé Lethem, Julien Rassam, Joëlle Marlier
59 mins, & Subtitled, 1994, France
Primary language

Portrait of a Young Girl from the Late Sixties in Brussels (Portrait d’une jeune fille de la fin des années 60 à Bruxelles) is a semi-autobiographical ode to the melancholy of adolescence.

Loosely inspired by the filmmaker’s own teenage years, this underrated and underseen gem from Chantal Akerman follows 15-year-old Michele as she skips school.

She spends her time sharing her views on life with both old and new friends, grappling with her sense of identity, place in the world, and sexuality, while a camera follows along at close range.

With thanks to Cinematek and Fondation Chantal Akerman.

  • Portrait of a Young Girl from the Late Sixties in Brussels on Tue 18 Mar is part of our Cinébites deal: get 30% off any main dish in the Café & Bar with a valid ticket.

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