A New Kind of Wilderness + Q&A

classified 12A S

Wed 30 April 18:00

Silje Evensmo Jacobsen
84 mins, Subtitled, 2024, Norway
Primary language
Norwegian, English

On a small farm in a Norwegian forest, a family live a purposefully isolated life, aiming to be wild and free.

Maria and Nik Paynes, along with their four children Ulv, Falk, Freja, and Ronja, are self-sufficient. They practice home-schooling and strive for a closely-knit family dynamic in harmony with nature.

However, when tragedy strikes the family, it upends their idyllic world and forces them to forge a new path into modern society.

This preview screening will be followed by an in-person Q&A with the film's protagonist Nik Payne.

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