Book Launch - Gorillas in our Midst
Thu 10 April 18:30
Waterside 3 Event Space, Watershed
When Afia, a newborn Western Lowland Gorilla, is rejected by her mother Kera after a difficult birth, her human keepers must start the challenging - but rewarding - experience of hand-rearing her themselves. Teaching her the ropes of life in the Gorilla House at Bristol Zoo is tricky enough. But providing 24/7 care for a baby gorilla means zookeeper Alan Toyne must hand-rear Afia in his own home too; an experience which forges a remarkable emotional bond between the two of them over the course of many sleepless nights...
To celebrate the release of Alan Toyne's memoir Gorillas in Our Midst: A Zookeeper's Tale of Hand-rearing Baby Gorillas, join us for an illustrated talk from Toyne, where he will read from the book, talk more about the funny and fascinating realities of hand-rearing Afia (and a second gorilla, Hasani), and will take part in a Q&A session after.
You can purchase a copy of the book (for £10.99, sold by Storysmith) when you buy your tickets online. More than just a behind-the-scenes look at zoo life, this thought-provoking and heart-warming memoir is a testament to the enduring bonds between humans and animals, and to the power of resilience and compassion.
About Alan Toyne
Alan Toyne does not have the words "Mother of Gorillas" on his business card, but he probably should. He is an Anthropology graduate with a specialism in primate politics and has a fascination with the similarities that exist between human beings and our ape and monkey cousins. He travelled extensively in search of wild primates and became a zookeeper at Bristol Zoo in 2008.
Followed by a Q&A with Alan Toyne hosted by Clare Reddington, Watershed CEO.