Please note: This event took place in Oct 2014
Using the latest scientific discoveries Professor Alice Roberts shows that evolution has made our bodies a quirky mix of new and old, with strokes of genius alongside imperfections, all inherited from distant ancestors. Using her skills and knowledge as a doctor, anatomist, osteoarchaeologist and writer, Roberts explores why and how we have developed as we have and examines the history of our anatomical understanding.
Speaker biography:
Alice is a clinical anatomist and Professor of Public Engagement in Science at the University of Birmingham. She is also a broadcaster and has presented several BBC science series including The Incredible Human Journey, Origins of Us, Prehistoric Autopsy and Ice Age Giants. She has also presented several Horizon programmes, on BBC2, and Wild Swimming, on BBC4. She occasionally presents Costing the Earth and Inside Science on Radio 4. She writes a regular science column for The Observer, and has authored five popular science books.
Ticket prices: £7.00 full / £6.00 concessions. This event is followed by a book signing.
Image credit: University of Birmingham for Science Uncovered