Festival of Health Session 3 - Change and Vision for the Health Care System
part of Autumn Festival of Ideas 2014
Please note: This event took place in Oct 2014
The NHS is one of the great success stories of the past 70 years bringing free treatment and better health to millions. But we also know that the NHS - and all of us - facreal challenges. These challenges provoke many questions: How does the NHS work? Do we have a caring society? Should we focus more on prevention of illness through better living and creating healthier cities? How should we use technology? This series seeks to open up these and other discussions and explore the current and potential future shape and state of our health and care system.
Where is Change in the Health and Care System Going to Come From and What Sort of System do we Want in our City Region?
15:30 - 17:30
Change has been a consistent feature of the health and care system. Factors that could shape change over the next 10 years will include: changes to the structure of the NHS, changes to the technology that underpins the delivery of services and public access to those services, and changes to the level of patient and public involvement in the design and delivery of health services. Will future funding be sufficient to meet the apparently ever-increasing demand? Are there alternative models and approaches? Financial consultants, senior health managers and other commentators will discuss the options we face.
Ticket prices: £7.00 full / £6.00 concessions
Special ticket offer: Book a season ticket (6 events) for the Autumn Festival of Health programme for £30.00 full / £25.00 concessions. This offer is not available online, please call Box Office on 0117 927 5100 or visit in person.