Walter Mischel - The Marshmallow Test

Walter Mischel - The Marshmallow Test

part of Autumn Festival of Ideas 2014


Please note: This event took place in Oct 2014

Understanding Self-Control & How to Master It

Walter Mischel, the world-leading psychologist and inventor of the original 1960s marshmallow experiments, shares what he has learnt over decades of of ground-breaking research into self-control and explains how his findings can help us all achieve our goals for better lives.

Speaker biography:

Walter Mischel holds the Robert Johnston Niven chair as professor of human letters in psychology at Columbia University. He is the author of more than two hundred scientific papers as well as the co-author on Introduction to Personality, now in its eighth edition. He has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and has won the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of APA and the Grawemeyer Award in Psychology.

Ticket prices: £7.00 full / £6.00 concessions. This event is followed by a book signing.

Image credit: Michele Tolela Myers

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