Please note: This event took place in Nov 2014
Leading the Inclusive City: Place-Based Innovation for a Bounded Planet
Cities are often seen as helpless victims in a global flow of events and many view growing inequality in cities as inevitable. In Leading the Inclusive City Robin Hambleton rejects this gloomy prognosis arguing that imaginative place-based leadership and inspirational city leaders can enable citizens to shape the urban future in accordance with progressive values - advancing social justice, promoting care for the environment and bolstering community empowerment. Part of the build up programme to the Bristol 2015 Festival of the Future City.
Speaker biography:
Robin Hambleton is Professor of City Leadership in the Faculty of Environment and Technology at the University of the West of England, Bristol and Director of Urban Answers. An expert on urban planning, city management and local governance, he was the founding President of the European Urban Research Association (EURA) and Dean of the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs (CUPPA) at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
This event is free: book tickets via Eventbrite and bring your confirmation on the day. This event will be followed by a book signing.