Please note: This was screened in Feb 2015
The brainchild of renowned animation filmmaker Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira), this anthology of animated shorts consists of four dystopian tales that together represent a crossover between contemporary anime and traditional Japanese artistic customs. Including Otomo’s Combustible, a depiction of a huge fire in Edo; A Farewell to Weapons, a dystopian action film written by Otomo and directed by designer Hajime Katoki (highly regarded for his work on the Gundam series); Hiroaki Ando’s Gambo about a legendary battle between a demon and white bear; and Possessions, Shuhei Morita’s Academy Award nominee for Best Animated Short Film.
Ticket prices: £8.00 full / £6.50 concessions.
Season Special Offer: Buy four tickets for films within the season and get a fifth ticket free. This offer is not available online. Please call our box office team on 0117 927 5100