Dark Horse: The Incredible True Story of Dream Alliance

Dark Horse: The Incredible True Story of Dream Alliance

classified PG

Please note: This was screened in April 2015

Louise Osmond
Jan Vokes, Brian Vokes, Howard Davies, Angela Davies
86 mins, 2014, UK

This larger than life true story tells of how a barmaid in one of the poorest mining valleys in South Wales bred a racehorse on her allotment that went on the become a champion. Jan Vokes had successfully bred dogs and birds and believed that she could do the same with another species – despite knowing nothing about racing, ‘the sport of kings’, and never having been on a horse before. Convincing a handful of locals to part with £10 a week for her scheme, she found a thoroughbred mare with a terrible racing record and a stallion past his best, put them together and against all the odds bred a gangly horse called Dream Alliance.

It’s an audacious tale of luck, chance and beating all the odds – a story of how a gaggle of working class Welsh folk took on the racing elite, broke through a class and financial barrier, and brought hope and pride back to their depressed community. It’s an irresistible equine Rocky, and an inspirational story with as many heart-stopping moments as any jump race.

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