Please note: This event took place in May 2015
Will Artificial Intelligence Save or Destroy Us?
George Zarkadakis explores one of humankind’s oldest love–hate relationships – our ties with Artificial Intelligence or AI. He traces AI’s origins in ancient myth, through literary classics such as Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, to the sci-fi blockbusters of today, arguing that a fascination with AI is hardwired into the human psyche. He explains AI’s history, technology and potential; its manifestations in intelligent machines; its connections to neurology and consciousness, as well as – perhaps most tellingly – what AI reveals about us as human beings. He asks questions such as how could AI influence our politics, economy and society? Could big data together with AI help transform civilisation for the better? Will AI machines take over the world?
Speaker Biography:
George Zarkadakis is a science writer, playwright and novelist with a PhD in Artificial Intelligence. He has worked for organisations including the European Commission and the British Council, Silicon Graphics and the European Bioinformatics Institute; appeared on the History Channel; written for publications such as Aeon digital magazine and the Washington Post; and been knighted by the French government for his services to science communication.