SHORT FILM 5 - New Beginnings

Short Film 5 - New Beginnings

classified 15

part of Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival 2015


Please note: This was screened in Sept 2015

90 mins

Dealing with loss, courage, hope and second chances, the diverse international short films in this programme provide an affecting and life-affirming look at human relationships and the challenges involved in picking up the pieces and making a fresh start. Fitting into a new class at school, getting married and leaving a former lover behind, beginning again after the death of a loved one...

The short films in this programme are:

  • Class Trip
    Sweden, 14m 30s Dir: Jonatan Etzler
  • A Singly Body
    France, 18m 30s Dir: Sotiris Dounoukos
  • Jane's Wedding
    Philippines, 16m 30s Dir: Cole Stamm
  • Three Brothers
    UK, 16m 30s Dir: Aleem Khan
  • Starting Point
    Poland, 25m Dir: Michal Szczesniak

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