Michael Marmot - The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World
part of Festival of the Future City
Please note: This event took place in Nov 2015
There are dramatic differences in health between countries and within countries. People at relative social disadvantage suffer health disadvantages; the higher the social status of individuals the better their health. What makes these health inequalities unjust is that we know what to do to make them smaller. In his new book The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World Michael Marmot explores compelling new evidence from around the world that has the potential to radically change the way we think about health, and indeed society.
In association with Bristol Health Partners
Speaker biography:
Michael Marmot is the Director of the Institute of Health Equity. In 2000 he was knighted for services to epidemiology and understanding health inequalities. He is a Foreign Associate Member of the Institute of Medicine, and a former Vice President of the Academia Europaea. He won the Balzan Prize for Epidemiology in 2004, gave the Harveian Oration in 2006, and won the William B Graham Prize for Health Services Research in 2008. He has been awarded a Harvard Lowns Professorship for 2014-2017 and will serve as President of the World Medical Association for 2015-16.