Shorts 2 Features - Norfolk

Shorts 2 Features - Norfolk

classified 18 (CTBA)

part of Encounters Short Film & Animation Festival 2016


Please note: This was screened in Sept 2016

Martin Radich
Denis Ménochet, Barry Keoghan, Goda Letkauskaite
120 mins, 2015, UK

In Shorts2Features we showcase the work of talented filmmakers that have successfully navigated their way through that process and invite them to share some of their hard earned experiences.

A father and son live a reclusive lifestyle in the middle of nowhere. The man, a disillusioned mercenary, has his final target in sight - a gang of foreign revolutionaries who lay low in a nearby derelict compound. As the man closes in on his target the boy falls for the revolutionaries’ serving girl. Having spent his whole life in isolation the boy now discovers the warmth of friendship and the pleasures of something more.

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