UK Premiere: India's Wandering Lions + Q&A

UK Premiere: India's Wandering Lions + Q&A

part of Wildscreen Festival 2016


No date/time details available.

47 mins

As India’s population booms, her legendary wildlife has been squeezed almost out of existence. But the commitment of the Indian people to preserve their wildlife is surprising – leading even to bringing back what has been lost. Against a backdrop of teak forest, farmland and villages, this film explores the extraordinary story of Asia’s last lions and their recovery from near extinction.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the director Praveen Singh and Martin Dohrn.

Nominated for the Creative Innovation Award and People and Nature Award / India, 47 mins / Ammonite Films & Kosmik Global Media

Image credit: Praveen Singh and Martin Dohrn

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