A Long Way North

Long Way North

classified PG D

Please note: This was screened in Dec 2016

Rémi Chayé
Christa Théret, Féodor Atkine, Antony Hickling
81 mins, Dubbed, 2015, France/Denmark

This enchanting animated adventure (from the makers of The Secret of Kells and Song of the Sea) centres on a feisty young girl who embarks on an epic journey to the North Pole in search of her missing grandfather.

This beautifully drawn story tells the story of a young aristocrat, Sasha, growing up in Saint Petersburg in the late 19th century. Sasha's explorer grandfather has gone missing while on an expedition to the North Pole, and though everyone else believes him dead, Sasha doesn't. With her parents plotting to marry her off, she leaves behind her privileged life and embarks on a quest to find her grandfather - but the journey may not be as easy as Sasha would like...

Inspired by the exploits of British explorer Ernest Shackleton, this stunningly animated tale of hope and perseverance is a story that both families and animation fans alike will definitely want to get lost in.

Age Guidance: Long Way North is rated a PG by the British Board of Film Classification. Find out more information about certificates and the film (including explanations as to why it received a particular age rating) here.

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