Britain on Film: Railways
BSL translation

Britain on Film: Railways

classified U

Please note: This was screened in April 2017

88 mins, 1937, UK

Travel back to the golden age of the railways, when trains ran on time and came complete with fluffed pillows, silverware and three course meals. Charting the history of the UK’s railways this major new collection of rare archive films, from 1898 to the final steam train of 1968 lets you return to the romance and glamour of early train travel and be swept away by the freedom of travelling through the past and breadth of the UK.

Sourced from the BFI National Archive and digitised with a newly commissioned soundtrack, this unique collection of shorts revels in nostalgia for the lost glories of train travel, while documenting the rapidly changing social, economic and political climate of the UK from the tracks.

For information about the individual short films in the programme please see the attached programme notes.

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