Their finest, writing

Their Finest

classified 12A

Girls Like Us


Please note: This was screened in July 2017

Lone Scherfig
Gemma Arterton, Sam Claflin, Bill Nighy
117 mins, 2016, UK

Gemma Arterton shines as Welsh wordsmith Catrin inspired by the real-life Ealing Studios' screenwriter Diana Morgan in this witty WWII charmer from Lone Scherfig (An Education). She lands a job writing the women’s dialogue for the Ministry of Information’s morale-boosting propaganda film unit on the rather condescending basis that she can produce “slop”: plausible women’s dialogue for the female characters.

She of course gets paid less than the men around her, despite being more talented than the lot of them. She comes into her own when crossing paths (and swords) with dashing producer Tom Buckley (Sam Claflin) and outrageous old thesp Ambrose Hilliard (Bill Nighy). As bombs drop all around them, Catrin discovers there's just as much drama, comedy and passion behind the camera as there is on-screen. A love letter to British filmmaking and celebration of women's contribution to the industry.

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