Found in: Encounters '17
Making of the Red Turtle
MICHAËL DUDOK DE WIT, Director of The Red Turtle

Making of the Red Turtle


Encounters Short Film & Animation Festival 2017


Please note: This event took place in Sept 2017


The Red Turtle (Studio Ghibli/Wild Bunch 2017) has been described as ‘eloquent, profound, moving’ by Mark Kermode and is one of the most outstanding animation feature films of recent years.

In this special session the director Michael Dudok de Wit will discuss some of the processes, ideas and challenges involved in making this great film and also his collaboration with Studio Ghibli. Michaël has a long record of producing beautiful short films such as ‘Father & Daughter’ (2000) which won the Academy Award®, and the Academy Award® nominated The Monk and the Fish (1994). Both of these landmark shorts will be screened at this event.

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