

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Oct 2017

Peter Mackie Burns
Emily Beecham, Geraldine James, Tom Vaughan-Lawlor
90 mins, 2017, UK

This striking drama from director Peter Mackie Burns follows the life of an early-thirties Londoner who goes off the rails after witnessing a random act of violence.

Emily Beecham stars as chef and professional cynic Daphne, who spends her time drinking, abusing various substances, and hooking up with random guys to answering the question 'what do I want?' When she is part of a violent robbery, however, she's thrown into chaos, her impenetrable armour starts to crack, and she's forced to confront the woman she's become.

An honest, very authentic character study and portrait of London life, Daphne does a great job of capturing the subtle emotions of this most complex of women - and the world around her.

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