Ice Road

Ice Road


Please note: This event took place in Nov 2017

Leningrad. 1942.
The siege has begun…

"You are a cockroach, Tati. You will survive the hunger, the cold, fever and this war."

In the wreckage of an old apartment block, four orphans join forces to survive the murderous Leningrad blockade. Through a cruel winter, enemy shelling and gnawing hunger, Leah, Zoya, Tati and Kub fantasise of escape on the only road out of the city – the ice road.

Every night, whilst the city freezes and the bombs rain down, Leah mysteriously leaves the others for several hours. She will not tell them where she goes and they daren’t ask – the food she brings back is the only thing keeping them alive. But then as winter bites hard, the youngest, Kub goes missing…

Ice Road is the latest show from Pervasive Media Studio Residents, Raucous who gave us The Stick House in 2015. Harnessing Russian folklore and historical witness accounts Ice Road fuses performance, creative technology, original music, film and aroma to tell the story of the children war leaves behind.

“Cleverly conceived, distinctively different”
The Guardian on The Stick House
“Unmissable” Bristol 24/7 on The Stick House


Jacobs Wells Baths, Jacob’s Wells Road, Bristol, BS8 1DZ

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