Personal Affairs + Short

Personal Affairs + Short

classified 18 (CTBA) S Sold Out

part of Bristol Palestine Film Festival 2017


Please note: This was screened in Dec 2017

Maha Haj
Maisa Abd Elhadi, Ziad Bakri, Jihan Dermelkonian
90 mins, Subtitled, 2016, Israel

This bitingly funny debut from Palestinian writer/director Maha Haj traces the dissatisfactions of an intergenerational dispersed Arab family living in Nazareth, Ramallah and Sweden.

In Nazareth a weary, long-married couple communicate with each other through an elaborate series of micro-aggressions. Meanwhile their adult children struggle to manage their personal affairs: Tarek has a crippling fear of commitment; heavily pregnant Samar spends her days guarding a determined grandmother while her husband lands a movie role and Hisham lives a lonely life in Sweden, fielding accidental Skype calls from his parents at odd hours of the night.

Crafting a timeless portrait of domestic discontent, Personal Affairs satirically weaves political realities and commentary into the minutiae of daily existence between Israel and Palestine.

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